The Early Iron Age complex of Cvinger near Dolenjske Toplice is one of the most important sites of its kind in the south-eastern Alpine region. Located at its centre is the fortified hilltop settlement surrounded by three burial mound cemeteries. The iron-smelting area, however, represents the most important part of the complex, given that it extends over 0.6 ha and is the largest and best researched in the region.
Cvinger has witnessed a long history of archaeological research: while the earliest campaigns date back into the late 19th century, the site has been a subject of several recent research projects. Significantly, Cvinger was the first Iron Age site in Slovenia to be equipped with an archaeological trail. The latter runs across all the site’s main sections and includes a number of information boards, which describe the whole site in great detail. As part of the Iron Age Danube project (Interreg DTP), the archaeological trail was renewed and further extended in 2019. In addition, it was also made accessible via a mobile phone guide (search: guide@hand, Cvinger). Due to a strong local initiative, Cvinger became even more easily accessible – namely as one of the first Early Iron Age sites in Slovenia with its own website since 2020. The website contains a wide range of information on the Cvinger complex and a number of accompanying figures and illustrations, as well as the entire bibliography on the site which is available for a download ( Whilst currently available in Slovenian only, the website will be translated to English in the near future.
Visit Cvinger website: