Novo mesto, Slovenia
Novo Mesto is an important Early Iron age site situated on a double bend of the Krka river. Today this is an urban area of modern Novo mesto. Early Iron age complex of Novo mesto consist of a hillfort at Marof with many cemeteries that were established on both sides of the Krka river. North of the hillfort lies notable Kapiteljska njiva where archaeological excavations are still in process for more than 30 straight years. Excavations have revealed that area was used as a burial site in Late Bronze Age when cremation burial in Urns prevaled, remains of more than 60 Tumuli from Early Iron age were excavated - inhumation was practiced in Iron Age burials - cremation burial was again practiced in Late Iron age when Kapiteljska njiva was used as a necropolis for the last time. Another large necropolis with flat cremation burials that are dated to Late Bronze age and Early Iron age is located north east from Marof and is known as Mestne njive. Third larger necropolis was positioned on the right bank of Krka at Znančeve njive - also known as Kandija. 6 Tumuli with Early Iron age inhumation burials and a Late Iron age flat cremation necropolis that was situated north of the barrows, were researched there, before they were destroyed by the development of the city. Although most of the known data from Novo mesto was gathered through excavations of burials, there are some less explicit indications that suggest other areas in Novo mesto were settled in Early Iron age. The lack of prehistoric settlement remains could be explained in the intensive settlement activities in Roman, Medieval and Modern era.
contact Petra Stipančić: petra.stipancic@dolenjskimuzej.si